Overview Kern Institute Miscellanea (KIM)
In chronological order (latest publication first; including publications in Dutch)
- Vihagottama – Superbird: About the multifaceted life of Prof. Jean Philippe Vogel, founder of the VVIK, published in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the VVIK.
Editorial board: Lennart Bes, Dory Heilijgers, Alied de Cock.
Kern Institute, 2024, 127 p., KIM, 0924-0861; No. 15. ISBN 978-90-9039361-2.
PDF, see Vihagottama.
- Mijn Reis in India: De dagboeken en foto’s van Jan Kornelis de Cock in India en Sri Lanka, 1909-1910.
Editorial board: Bhaswati Bhattacharya, Alied de Cock, Hanneke ‘t Hart, Dory Heilijgers.
With an introduction by Bhaswati Bhattacharya. Leiden: Kern Institute, 2014 (Groningen, Barkhuis), 294 p. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 14.
ISBN 9789491431760, € 35,- ex BTW.
PDF for free, available via Barkhuis Publishing.
- Dutch studies on South Asia, Tibet and classical Southeast Asia: a bibliography. This online database is
compiled and being maintained by Dory Heilijgers.
Leiden: Kern Institute, 2013; online database, KIM No. 1.
Based on the original initiative and work on the ‘Selected bibliography of Indology in the Netherlands’ by
Marianne Oort, Hanneke ‘t Hart and Emiel Kuijper, started in 1985.
- Boek I van Mahābhārata ‘Hoe het begon’ (Ādiparwan) / summary by Teun Goudriaan.
Leiden: Kern Institute, 2007 (Groningen, Barkhuis), 176 p., 24 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 12.
ISBN 9789077922330
€ 25,00 (members € 20,00).
- Catalogue of Lepcha manuscripts in the Van Manen collection / by Heleen Plaisier.
Leiden: Kern Institute, 2003, 260 p., 24 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 11.
ISBN 909017656X
€ 35,00 (members € 30,00).
- Bhakti in current research 1982-85: proceedings of the third international conference on devotional
literature in the New Indo-Aryan languages, Noordwijkerhout 1985 / [ed. by] M.K. Gautam, G.H. Schokker.
Lucknow [etc.]: Indo-European Publishers, 2000, 374 p., 21 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 10.
€ 15,00 (members € 10,00).
- Toen jij de snaren spande : de ‘Gitali’ van Rabindranath Tagore / translated from Bengali and introduced by Victor A. van Bijlert.
Leiden: Kern Institute, 1996, 108 p., 21 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 9.
ISBN: 9072181077
€ 16,00 (members € 12,00).
- Boeddha’s tweede draaiing van het rad van de leer: teksten over perfectie van inzicht en vaardigheid in
middelen / translated and annotated by Jan de Breet and introduced by Jan de Breet and Rob Jansen.
Leiden: Kern Institute, 1994, 57 p., 21 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 8.
ISBN: 9072181069
€ 10,00 (members € 7,50).
- Kalidasa’s Kumarasambhava: de geboorte van de god Skanda / translated by Ali Beth.
Leiden: Kern Institute, 1993, 79 p., 21 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 6.
ISBN: 9072181050
€ 13,00 (members € 10,00).
- A list of the South-Indian palmleaf manuscripts (Sanskrit) in the Kern Institute, Leiden
(The Van Manen Collection) / edited by Hanna ‘t Hart.
Leiden: Kern Institute, 1992, 26 p., 21 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 5.
ISBN: 9072181042
€ 12,00 (members € 9,00).
- Waarom Sanskrit? Honderdvijfentwintig jaar Sanskrit in Nederland: tien lezingen / edited by Hanneke ‘t Hart-van den Muyzenberg and Thomas de Bruijn.
Leiden: Kern Institute, 1991, 124 p., 22 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 4.
ISBN: 9072181034
€ 16,00 (members € 12,00).
- The Dutch orientalist Johan van Manen: his life and work / by Peter Richardus.
Leiden: Kern Institute, 1989, 77 p., 20 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 3.
ISBN: 9072181026
€ 15,00 (members € 11,00).
- Selected writings on Indian linguistics and philology / F.B.J. Kuiper; edited by A. Lubotsky, M.S. Oort and M. Witzel.
Amsterdam [etc.]: Rodopi, 1997, 566 p., 24 cm. KIM, 0924-0861; No. 2.
ISBN: 9042002352 geb.
€ 110,00.